Ginny Priem is a dynamic speaker who combines humor, inspiration, and practical advice in her presentations. With over 20 years of corporate leadership experience, she brings a wealth of knowledge and relatability to her audiences. Ginny is also a #1 bestselling author, known for her work on uncovering the good in grief and the power of kindness. She provides actionable tips to help individuals confidently overcome challenges by leveraging kindness and finding positivity in difficult situations. In the following article, Ginny shares her number one concept for staying calm and focused!

Unbox Your Inner Calm: The Box Breathing Technique by Ginny Priem, 2024 MWSB Showcase Speaker

The number one concept and engaging exercise from my keynotes and workshops that men rave about is box breathing. And I have some theories as to why this is.

After a I keynoted a national sales meeting earlier this year for a big name skin care company, the CEO got up on stage after I stepped off and gushed about how I had taught the leadership team box breathing the day before. He had tried it the night before and shared that it actually works.

Of course it works! So, let’s get into the science behind why it works and how I use it as a gateway to introducing people to mediation.

And don’t get me wrong, ladies love box breathing, too. I recently spoke to a room full of all women, so I added in this little funny.

Was it risky? Maybe. But they loved it! It’s not captured well in the video (because I was mic’d to the camera), but the room was filled with giggles and women turning to each other and nodding at such a relatable concept. Would I add in this humorous line in a room with men? Maybe!

Here’s why: We’re seeing more of a shift, even in corporate, to companies viewing and investing in people as a whole. It’s no longer just about teaching the tactical skills, but more about transcending both professional and personal growth. I’m seeing more flexibility and less formality. This allows us to be more human, take ourselves less seriously and have a little fun!

And when we let our guard down a little and become — dare I say — slightly more vulnerable, isn’t that when we truly begin to create human connection?

When I think back to my corporate career, there are 2 specific workshops and 1 keynote that stand out most to me. And it’s because the content included things that I could bring into my personal life.

This is one of the great benefits about box breathing and why I use it as an engaging tool from stage — people can use it at work and in their personal lives. And because it’s nearly impossible to detect if you’re doing it, people feel comfortable trying it.

This is one of the reasons that I believe men appreciate box breathing — because it’s subtle and effective! There’s a palpable shift in the calm that takes over the room when people participate in just 2 rounds of box breathing.

We don’t only face stressful situations at work, so people can, quite literally, take this concept home with them. Below is the page from I’m My Favorite: A Guided Journal for Your Path Forward that introduces box breathing


Box breathing is used by athletes, U.S. Navy SEALs, police officers, nurses and now YOU can use it, too. I invite and encourage you to stop what you’re doing right now and do 2 rounds of box breathing. INHALE. HOLD. EXHALE. HOLD.

How do you feel?

You may have said calm, centered, grounded, regulated, focused. Do any of those resonate with you? That’s because box breathing has been scientifically proven to:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Regulate body temperature
  • Calm your nervous system
  • Decrease stress and reduce cortisol levels
  • Help with insomnia
  • Relax the mind and body

Here are a few times when I use box breathing:

  • Before I step on stage (Seriously!)
  • Before bed
  • In stressful traffic 🥴

Meditation can be viewed as a little “woo woo” by some. And I can relate, because 5 years ago, I would have said I thought the same thing. But it has changed my life. It’s made me more calm and patient.

Some experts say that box breathing — or any deep breathing exercise — can be a form of meditation.


For more information on Ginny Priem, visit

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