As the daughter of a career Air Force officer, Lauren Schieffer grew up being uprooted and relocated every couple of years. This imbued her with a profound independence and ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The lessons she learned from “The Colonel” have helped her make smart decisions and overcome adversity with humility and a sense of humor.

Lauren has navigated just about every aspect of corporate America in her varied career – from trucking to achieving top-tier Sales Director status for a global direct sales cosmetics firm to managing a non-profit foundation. In her speaking career, she has presented in seven countries to associations, organizations, federal, state and local governments, as well as Fortune 500 companies – helping them improve the effectiveness of their communication and reduce unnecessary conflict.


Most Presented Titles: 

·         Finding Significance

·         Leadership – It Starts with YOU

·         Taking a Higher View

·         Stop The Blame Game! – Creating An Accountable Team

·         Are You Getting This? Communicating For Results

Topics:   Leadership, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Inspirational, Empowerment, Motivation

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