When there has been so much change in an organization over the past few years, there have been many power struggles, complaints, alliances, and dysfunctional behaviors. When it comes to arguments and fights, how does a person figure out, “what’s a big deal?”

During times of change, systems are influx and communications are strained. Often when people are under stress and everything takes on a symbolic hue. What normally would not be that big of a deal, creates conflict and sometimes all out war.

I remember a mentor telling me one time, war does not necessarily determine who is right or who is wrong, just who’s left. Be careful not to pay major attention to minor problems. He called that “pole-vaulting over mouse turds.”

It’s can be a good idea to assemble a personal and professional team of advisors, or mentors, to help keep things in perspective. The key to making it through organizational and personal change in one piece is to reference out to others that have valuable life lessons to share. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Talk with trusted others, gain their insight, and keep rolling along.


For more information on Kit, visit http://www.speakernow.com/espeakers/8881/Kit-Welchlin.html

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