Grant Cardone does a great job explaining the business side behind Miley’s bold business move last week.

Unless you were trapped in the trunk of a car, you probably noticed that Miley Cyrus was big big news this week. After her controversial performance on MTV’s Video Music Awards, she was attacked by every network and even her peers. Now, I don’t agree nor advise business people to jump on stage and dance provocatively, nor would I want my little daughters to watch Miley’s performance. When I watched Miley, I wondered how far will things go? I worried for my little girls future.

However, from a business perspective, I saw exactly what was going on. Understand Miley is NOT a person. Miley is a business and businesses MUST get attention. This week Miley 100% succeeded at getting all eyeballs on her. She got more tweets than the Super Bowl and world wide media coverage. The important thing here is that Miley is not only a business but one that is in transition. She is no longer Hannah Montana, that business model is over. It no longer works. She came up with a different business model and this week, she let the whole world know a new Miley is emerging. Businesses always have to evolve and MUST figure out how to transition. The same holds true for business people. You are always in transition. Every day you wake up is your chance to do something new.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen provocative behavior get attention. Look at Madonna, Lady Gaga, Little Wayne, Jay Z, Beyonce, even Oprah! Countless entertainers and public figures have pulled out all the stops to get attention. Are you old enough to remember when Elvis Presley first appeared on the Ed Sullivan show? Network TV panicked and would only show him from the waist up. Or what about in the 70s’s Led Zeppelin’s Lemon Song? My mother couldn’t believe what I was listening to. Controversy and attention has been happening for ages. Businesses and people looking to take their game to a new, interesting level and remain dominant in their space, need to understand the following:

1. You are in transition.

2. You need constant attention for your business.

3. You must recreate yourself so you continue to get attention.

4. You are in a noisy world and in competition with everyone and everything –not just the guy down the street.

The most important thing to understand is that when a business goes as big as Miley did and gains that much attention, it needs to follow up with something of great quality. Once you get the eyeballs on you, the pressure is on to deliver top notch quality! What Miley does at her next appearance will be more important that what she did at the VMA’s. Those who create and recreate themselves and bring quality products to the marketplace survive. No company can stay the same with the same staff bringing the same thinking. Anything or anyone who has stood the test of time and remained relevant did so because they understood transition was necessary. You are going to age, your products are going to age, your customers are going to transition from old to young and young to old. Keep moving forward, ignore the critics, get attention and follow it up with quality action. Transition is necessary and with smart decisions and commitment it can lead to BIG success.

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