A lot of professional speakers will talk about change as though it is a new phoenomenon. Change has been, and always will be, every part of your waking days. Some changes are just more noticeable and immediate. Based on personality type, some people get really nervous and even panic at the thought of change, while others are excited about the new stimulation of change.
Much change, is uncontrollable by you. Understanding this, will help you not waste your time stressing and worrying about something that you cannot control. Rather, you will use your time adapting and growing with whatever changes are occurring in your life. In the military and even martial arts world, it has been said that “a warrior adapts to the battlefield.” So it is with us, we must adapt to the battlefield (life) every day so we can remain in control of not only the situations in our lives, but the outcomes as well!
It is not so much managing change as it is managing ourselves around and within change. Win the day…. by Ray Saint.