Juli Burney, M.A., is a 27 year veteran of humorous motivational speaking. Her experiences as a teacher, full-time caregiver, and often times patient advocate, gives her a unique perspective on healthcare workers. Juli is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Communication at Doane Graduate and Professional Studies College in Lincoln,NE where she has five times been named teacher of the year. She is a communication specialist that has worked in all 48 continental United States and Canada, presenting often to state and regional healthcare conferences. She is the author of “Shifting Gears: An Interpersonal Communication Manual” and co-author of “Discover Your Inner Strength”. She tailors each presentation to the requests of the client and she is able to bring a serious message with a light handed touch.
Juli’s Program:
A Spoonful of Humor
Working as a healthcare worker is time consuming and at times quite challenging whether you are direct care, administration or the staff behind the front lines. Our attitude toward our tasks can make all the difference in the world to help us maintain our own lives in the midst of caring for others. Humor is the key to balance, and just a “spoonful of humor’ can change everything. This presentation will share specific healthcare giving examples showing when a different perspective, brought with humor, improved both the patient’s and the staffs’ situation. Come and learn how to “lighten” the load.
For more information on Juli, visit http://www.speakernow.com/espeakers/5338/Juli-Burney.html