2-Minute Quick Tips
7 Ways to Pinpoint and Overcome Any Problem
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“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem”
When a problem arises, what exactly is causing it? Sometimes, it’s obvious. At other times, something is undeniably in the air and the atmosphere is heating up, creating tension and short fuses, yet you’re unable to put your finger on its cause.
If the problem isn’t clearly identified, unravel the mystery. Get to the bottom of it with some probing, “who, what, where, why, when and how” questions, which will provide you with valuable data for defining the specific nature of the situation. Based on the book, “Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere … 8 keys to creating enduring connections with customers, co-workers even kids” by Arnold Sanow and Sandra Strauss, Here are 7 questions to ask yourself to help you pinpoint problems.
· Who’s involved?
· What’s going on?
· Where does it happen?
· When does it happen?
· Why does it seem to happen?
· How frequently does it happen?
· How do you feel about it?
· When does the problem occur? During peak hours? Weekends? Right
before the annual meeting?
· What is causing it? We don’t have enough support to handle all the
extra work before the annual meeting
· What actions could improve the situation? We can hire a temporary
· Who can alleviate the problem? The accounting department can review
the budget
Evaluate your responses to help understand and devise possible solutions. Once you’re clear on the specific nature of the problem, focus your energy on finding solutions and ask others for their ideas. Deal with one problem at a time. There might be multiple concerns, but stick to handling one at a time to reduce stress and tension.