10 Ways to Improve Customer Service by Phone
Focus on the Caller – Don’t multitask. Despite what you may think, doing more than one thing at a time is not effective. To make sure you keep focused on your caller, stop everything else you are doing and create a picture in your mind of who you are talking to and treat it like a face to face conversation.
Don’t Distract Yourself – Avoid eating, drinking or doing other things at your desk.
Smile – Your smile enhances the tone of your voice. To make sure you smile look in a mirror and smile before getting on the phone.
When you answer the phone:  
Answer in no more than 3 rings
Identify yourself in a clear and succinct manner
Speak clearly and slowly
 Use the customer’s name as soon as possible: When leaving voicemail, always state the customer’s name. Your chances of getting a call back will greatly increase.
Use the hold button cautiously:
Offer a choice to the caller to call back or put them on hold
Don’t keep on hold for over 30 seconds
Thank the customer for holding
When transferring calls:
Let customers know you are transferring them
Get their phone number in case disconnected
Follow up to make sure the transfer has actually occurred
Thank the person for calling
 Be positive and upbeat when talking with the customer. Never think of the customer as an annoyance or nuisance. If you do think the customer is an annoyance, it will come across in your tone of voice.
Take clear and concise messages. Have a checklist of specific things to ask
When appropriate, summarize and close
Review any action taken
Hang up last

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