WCBB Chairman, Former #1 IFBB Professional Wheelchair Bodybuilder, Professional Wheelchair Ballroom Dancer, 2X World Powerlifting Champion, Award-Winning Actor, Published Author, Professional Model

Expert on

  • Leadership – Executive Level
  • Leadership
  • Hero
  • Sports / Athletics
  • Motivation
  • Personal Development
  • Inspirational

Fee Range


Travels from


At the age of 16, Nick Scott was an ordinary teenager with an interest in athletics, when a near-fatal traffic accident changed life as he knew it… forever. After the accident, Nick became overweight and discouraged, but somehow found the determination, mindset and personal strength to transform his life from a debilitating tragedy into a personal triumph. Now he uses those hard-won insights to help others awaken the beast within themselves and achieve their personal goals.


Nick Scott embraces every personal and professional endeavor with passion and conviction. But it takes more than that to ignite the fire within you. It is the intensity of his passion and conviction that ignited the fire within him, resulting in his positive, results-driven attitude that brought him success as a professional bodybuilder, wheelchair ballroom dancer, and motivational speaker. His life experiences and abilities led him to the vision of inspiring and motivating others by revealing the confidence and strength they kept dormant or were yet to be developed.

A Strong Leader Encourages Others to be Strong

Nick will empower the audience through a captivating demonstration of how to achieve a higher level of personal strength that many never thought possible for themselves. The key to unlocking this dynamo within people is for them to accept the fact that they possess the ability to change as well as the courage to actively pursue their ambitions. Even if it is one small step at a time, it will eventually lead to bigger steps. Nick guides them as they prepare to take giant leaps that propel them closer to their goals.


  • Self-Motivation
    Nick Scott will teach people the most effective and innovative strategy to ignite the dying flame within themselves until it is a roaring fire. They will maximize their strength and adjust as necessary, to achieve greater results. 
  • Motivating Others
    Nick Scott helps others become whom they want to become by promoting strength, perseverance, and humbleness. These three qualities are purposefully instilled within his teachings so that those whom he helped can motivate others to achieve their goals. These self-motivated audience members are more successful than those who rely on external sources of motivation to raise their self-esteem.


Nick Scott shares his personal story to help audiences understand how he began with a thread of hope and an idea. However, ideas remain ideas if no action is taken.  But Nick allowed his idea to fuel the coals-a fire yet to be ignited.  Until the idea kindled into a dream that burned into an ambition that sparked flames of passion.  As the fire stoked within him, he saw and set his goals amid the inferno smoke now blazing with purpose.  But it did not come without more than its fair share of adversity.  

Failing a Thousand Times Can Lead You to Succeed A Million Times

Nick tried and failed many times because the information he needed to achieve his goals did not exist.  No one had ever envisioned Nick’s dream, so like a true journeyman, he laid the foundation for uncharted territory.  Although at times, it was rocky, Nick did not stop paving the path that opened the doors for Wheelchair Athletes. Along his journey, Nick committed himself to support people who wanted to follow the same path he did.

Quitting to quit with The Interactive Program

The interactive program engages the audience so that their program begins in the right direction.  Nick emphasizes that no goal is as insurmountable, that it can be conquered through willpower and proper guidance and direction.  Nick leaves no one behind-he refuses to allow anyone to give up.  He sees potential in everyone and wants to show them that there are no excuses for quitting. 

Nick knows how to deal with the big and small problems that impeded motivation and progress.  No matter the circumstances, he will not let you throw in the towel or wave the flag of defeat when you are in the face of adversity.  He will show how everyone can join in and learn to overcome their struggles and succeed effectively and efficiently.


Nick Scott places the highest importance on teamwork to develop the most innovative and effective team structure possible. Teams have the ability and power to overcome challenges that a single individual cannot address alone. Problem-solving and goals are effectively achieved with the diverse opinions and expertise gained in the areas where other members have less knowledge.  Nick is a team leader at his nonprofit Wheelchair Bodybuilding, Inc.  He is proud to provide athletic opportunities for individuals who may be unable to participate. Teamwork is essential to raise awareness within those communities and assist people to find and achieve their dreams. Nick leads effective teams by listening to, planning, and acting on the ideas of team members who are familiar with the communities’ residents. Based on the experience and goals of each team, Nick can help more people (disabled, non-disabled, children, and adults) find their way to success. 


Nick Scott is an expert in strategic planning and effective implementation. The day the spark flared inside Nick’s soul, he was driven with extraordinary determination and has proven and continues to prove to all that he can and will accomplish. Nick Scott paves the way for wheelchair athletes who want a chance to become professional, sponsored athletes in the world of bodybuilding. There had never been any kind of entry into sports or athletics until Nick decided to make a change that affected not only him but others that dealt with similar struggles. Nick paved the way, built the door, and knocked it down, through his gift for meticulous planning and implementation of those plans. Nick is now a sponsored professional athlete who models, competes, and speaks for those sponsors worldwide. Nick continues his education after earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. This man has no end in sight because once he sets his mind on a goal, he plans and executes without hesitation. No goal or ambition is out of his grasp, and no goal will be out of reach for audiences after they meet Nick Scott.