Gina Glover

Gina connects business professionals to the skills they need to network effectively, speak confidently and achieve their personal best. Humor, engaging stories and valuable take-aways always included.

Expert on

  • Networking
  • Communication
  • Careers
  • Associations
  • Personal Development
  • Life and Work Transitions
  • Change

Fee Range


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Gina is an engaging storyteller, who adds humor to real-life stories that real-life people can relate to and appreciate. She provides a happy balance of useful content and entertainment around topics related to networking, teamwork and professional development. People will tell you one of her greatest gifts is her ability to foster connections with others and between others – even when there’s nothing in it for her but the sheer joy of connecting two people. 

Gina is also a coach and provides guidance for those who want to improve their networking and speaking skills. Most people don’t aspire to step foot on the stages Gina enjoys standing on (like the TEDxOshkosh stage she’ll be on come November 2023)  but “stages” come in many different varieties. 

Standing in front of the leadership team to present your project IS a stage. 

The meeting room when you are up for a promotion at work IS a stage. 

Even the table at the professional development conference IS a stage.  

Through her programs Gina helps professionals get ready for their next “stage” in life.

She’s a graduate of Ferris State University (Go Bulldogs!), working on her first book, Navigating SHIFT Creek, and in process of running a race in every state in the US (a half marathon in South Dakota was state number 25 in May 2023). Gina also gives generously of her time and energy by volunteering with organizations including the Wisconsin Chapter of the National Speakers Association, MidDay Women’s Alliance where she mentors new business owners, her Toastmasters district, and the local Habitat for Humanity affiliate. 


Why do 85% of business leaders believe in-person and virtual events are essential to their company’s success?

One word – networking.

Do we exchange business cards? Do we make small talk? Yes. But does that type of exchange really make up the

long-term relationships that convert to sales time and time again? No!

So –

What if we had a way to push beyond the small talk?

What if we had a way to expedite the move from conversation to connection?

What if we had a way to empower our people to stand above the crowd?

What if we have the 5th QUESTION?

In this engaging and entertaining session, Gina Glover leads attendees on a journey to not only uncover but to master the 5th question. She helps your people move beyond the standard and often mundane networking conversation to the connections that convert to sales. From her years of experience as a career coach and highly-skilled networker, Gina guides her audiences on what they must do before, during and after the event. They will learn the critical elements of all effective 5th questions, how to get past those inevitable uncomfortable moments, and how to apply follow up strategies after the event to strengthen every new connection they make.


This interactive workshop is chock-full of the important steps to take before AND after your upcoming conference or event. All too often we think about networking only when we are “in the moment” and physically (or virtually) present with our fellow conference attendees. But to get the most out of the event and specifically the networking opportunities you will have during the event, we must plan ahead.

This program is perfect for:

  • first-time conference attendees;
  • young professionals getting acclimated to their industry; and
  • experienced conference-goers who need a refresher or ways to break away from old habits.


The audience will leave with:

  • action steps to take before the conference starts;
  • tips for setting an intention, approaching new people and calming your nerves; and 
  • follow up strategies for moving your acquaintances to become your advocates.


Do you sometimes feel you and your team struggle to stay motivated? Are you looking for ways to make sure you and your team stay committed to one another and the goals you’ve set? Are there a few people on your team who struggle to keep up – or maybe that’s you?

This presentation includes lessons learned in a sport often overlooked and under-appreciated – it’s the sport of Cross Country. While anyone who has ever participated can probably tell you some great stories from running those 3.1 miles, many people don’t necessarily think of it as a team sport, and yet it is. Cross Country is a sport with no bench, no timeouts, no do-overs and everyone on the team makes a difference. It’s a sport that connects in many ways to both life and leadership. Whether you are leading a team or just trying to do your part as a member of that team, this presentation provides lessons you can apply to help you all become winners.  Even if you have never laced up a pair of spikes, this presentation will move you! Who knows? By the end,  you may even be motivated to sign up for your first 5k. 


This program is perfect for:

  • young professionals trying to find their way in the new corporate landscape;
  • newly promoted professionals who are feeling unsure of next steps; and
  • anyone who feels “stuck” and isn’t sure who to seek advice from.


The audience will leave with:

  • the SIX characteristics all true influencers share;
  • how the MAGIC of curiosity becomes a MAGNET others can’t help but be attracted to; and
  • how the 5 x 5 x 5 rule is the PERFECT first step to creating your own Influencer Network.


John Maxwell who has authored over 100 books on leadership, once said: “Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less.” Whether or not your job involves leading people, you possess an ability to influence others. But do you consider yourself an influencer? Not the sort of influencer you hear about — you know, a celebrity who uses social media to endorse or promote a product and leverages their fan base to increase sales. Rather, are you an influencer who inspires or guides the actions of others — even when there is no direct chain of command? Meaning, you aren’t the boss (or the mom)! Here’s the deal, you don’t have to be someone’s boss to be an influencer and this session will show you how.