Amy Vetter

Work-Life Harmony Speaker: Amy Vetter guides leaders & teams to boost engagement, productivity, and mindfulness—expert on employee engagement, leadership, and digital transformation.

Expert on

  • Mindfulness
  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Time Management/Self-Management

Fee Range


Travels from


Amy Vetter, a transformative speaker and work-life harmony expert, empowers professionals and leaders to embrace positive change for a thriving work environment. With a unique blend of expertise as a CPA, entrepreneur, yoga practitioner, and author, Amy delivers engaging keynotes that inspire audiences to create a more balanced, fulfilling life at work and home.

Amy’s speaking programs are a good fit for:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Tech employees
  • Women in business
  • Health and wellness enthusiasts
  • Business and finance leaders and team members
  • Anyone in finance, including CPAs, financial advisors, wealth advisors, & bookkeepers

Key takeaways from Amy’s keynotes:

  • Foster authentic connections in an increasingly digital world
  • Boost engagement and productivity with mindful leadership strategies
  • Develop empathetic leadership by embracing vulnerability and empathy
  • Create work-life harmony to improve overall well-being and job satisfaction
  • Drive innovation and change management by nurturing a culture of continuous learning
  • Harness the power of technology to improve collaboration, efficiency, and work-life harmony



Format: Keynote, Workshop


This program is perfect for:

  • Employees feeling disengaged or stuck in a routine at work
  • Leadership teams interested in boosting corporate culture and innovation


The audience will leave with:

  • Practical tools for creating a sense of work-life harmony
  • Strategies to align their authentic selves with their professional roles


Do you ever feel like your daily life and work have become mechanical? In this invigorating 60-minute keynote based on Amy Vetter’s book, “Business, Balance & Bliss: How the B3 Method Can Transform Your Career and Life,” you will uncover how to rekindle or even discover the spark you desire in your career and life. Through a blend of insightful tips and scientific research, you will learn how to harmonize your authentic self with your professional life. The keynote aims to empower you to be more present and productive, both at work and home. You’ll also gain valuable insights into developing mindful technology practices—setting boundaries that lead to a more connected and fulfilling life.

Feel free to adjust the timing and details to better fit the specifics of your presentation. Would this work for you?

Mindfulness Audience Activity Educational / Informative Inspirational / Life-changing


Based on your organization’s goals, Amy can present a 45-60 minute keynote, moderate a panel discussion, lead a webinar or conduct a half to full-day workshop on the program or combination of programs below.

Companion Book Authored by Amy:Business, Balance & Bliss: How the B3 Method Can Transform Your Career and Life and Disconnect to Connect: Tap into the Power Within You to Create the Life You Desire

This program is perfect for:
Anyone who wants to learn what mindfulness is and how to practice it in the workplace for greater career success and human connection with their employees, colleagues and customers.

Your audience will:

  • Gain a clear understanding of what mindfulness is and how to practice it;
  • Learn to evaluate your work-life balance and the work-life balance of your employees;
  • Understand how to improve employee engagement and well being;
  • Discover a couple of quick and easy meditation practices for mindfulness is the office; and,
  • Learn the most effective office/desk yoga stretches for clarity and focus.

Disconnect to Connect: Practicing Mindfulness in the Workplace 

(Corporate Culture, Leadership, Personal Development, Employee Engagement topic)

Do you find yourself distracted at work and at home? Do you fear that you are not working to your full potential with your team or as a leader because of workplace misunderstandings? Are you empathetic as a leader and seek to understand others’ perspectives? In this session, we will take a deep dive into understanding where we are off balance in our lives — both at work and home — and how this affects the experience we create with others.

Many of us can feel that we are technically up to speed in what we do; however, we are not living up to our full potential as a leader or co-worker because we lack the skills to mindfully connect with one another. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the current moment and learning how to calmly observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment or action. By learning to disconnect, we can connect in a more intentional, positive way and find common ground with those we work with and care about. Through the daily practice of mindfulness, we can gain a better understanding of where we are off balance internally so that we can show up better for those around us, be a more successful leader and feel more engaged as an employee.

Mindfulness Audience Activity Educational / Informative Inspirational / Life-changing


This program is perfect for:

  • Team leaders and managers looking to foster authentic leadership and work-life balance
  • Individuals in high-stress roles seeking strategies to disconnect in order to reconnect with their true selves and teams


The audience will leave with:

  • Actionable insights on how to question and alter deeply ingrained beliefs that may not align with their true selves
  • Strategies for achieving Business, Balance & Bliss, thereby becoming a more Connected Leader


We live in a world that demands constant connectivity and perpetual motion. The toll it takes can often lead us to feel disconnected from our work, our teams, and even ourselves. In this transformative 60-minute keynote, Amy Vetter, from The B³ Method Institute, delves into the power of questioning our ingrained beliefs and the profound impact it can have on our personal and professional lives.

Amy explores how these unexamined beliefs can be obstacles to achieving true work-life balance and authentic leadership. She provides a roadmap for breaking free from these limiting thought patterns, thereby allowing us to initiate the journey towards Business, Balance & Bliss. The keynote aims to awaken your inner courage, awareness, and inquisitiveness, empowering you to uncover your inner truth. Transform the way you lead and live by learning how to ‘Disconnect to Connect.’

Leadership Mindfulness Audience Activity Educational / Informative Inspirational / Life-changing


Format: _ minute [keynote, workshop, breakout, etc..]


This program is perfect for:

  • Organizational leaders navigating through technological disruption and change
  • Managers and team leads focused on improving employee engagement and work culture


The audience will leave with:

  • Practical tools for self-reflection and fostering stronger human connections in a rapidly changing environment
  • Enhanced communication strategies for achieving shared team goals and outcomes


In an era where technological disruption is the norm, the landscape of work is in constant flux. This constant change can sometimes unanchor us, making it crucial to focus on what truly matters: human connection. Amy Vetter, from The B³ Method Institute, takes you through an immersive journey designed to heighten your emotional intelligence and reinforce your role as a connected leader in this 60-minute keynote.

The session delves into the patterns that can stifle business progression and offers strategies for meaningful change management. Amy emphasizes the importance of spending as much time strengthening human connections as we do focusing on organizational change. The keynote aims to imbue you with increased self-compassion, mindfulness, and effective communication skills. You’ll leave equipped to contribute to an engaging and fulfilling work-life culture, not just for yourself but also for your team and colleagues.

Leadership Audience Activity Educational / Informative Inspirational / Life-changing


Format: 60 Minute Keynote


This program is perfect for:

  • HR executives and organizational leaders grappling with high stress and employee burnout issues
  • Managers looking to build a more sustainable, balanced, and positive work culture


The audience will leave with:

  • Actionable strategies to transform a stress-heavy work environment into a balanced and thriving one
  • A roadmap for creating a “destination career” culture where employees feel valued and can achieve their dreams


Work compression, staffing capacity issues, and high-stress levels are plaguing firms, putting their future sustainability at risk. But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if you could create a culture where everyone feels like they matter, can achieve their dreams, and most importantly, maintain work-life harmony? This 60-minute keynote by The B³ Method Institute aims to provide a solution to these pressing issues.

The session will challenge the oft-heard notion that “this is just the way it is” when it comes to work-related stress and burnout. Instead, it offers a transformative vision for your organization’s future—one where a balanced work-life environment is not just an ideal but a reality. We will discuss the commitment, change process, and investment of time it takes to turn your workplace into one that not only benefits the firm but also enhances the well-being of each individual. If you’re looking to build bench strength and ensure your firm remains strong and thriving for years to come, this keynote is for you.

Time Management/Self-Management Audience Activity Educational / Informative


Description: Mindful Technology: Embracing Technology, Innovation and Mindfulness to Create Lasting Human Connections

Based on your organization’s goals, Amy can present a 60-75 minute keynote, moderate a panel discussion, lead a webinar or conduct a half to full-day workshop on a program or combination of programs below.

Companion Book Authored by Amy: Business, Balance & Bliss: How the B3 Method Can Transform Your Career and Life

This program is perfect for:

  • Senior business leaders and employees
  • Women business leaders and support networks
  • Anyone in the Legal industry or Finance or Financial Services including Wealth Advisors, CFOs, CPAs, Accountants, Bookkeepers, etc.
  • Any organization that struggles with technology and digital transformation, work-life balance, and building long-term customer and employee relationships.

In this presentation, attendees will:

  • Tap into self discovery and mindfulness techniques to design a customer experience that will last and grow into the future; and,
  • Learn how be more empathetic as a leader, by allowing technology do the heavy lifting, by developing the soft skills necessary to create a more collaborative culture with your employees and be more engaged to their needs so you can get the best results possible from your team.

Technology, such as cloud software, artificial intelligence and machine learning, is not the end of real human connection — it is just the beginning.  When technology is set up in the right ways, we have more time to spend together collaborating and growing our businesses. The key is to implement and use technology in a thoughtful, ethical way so that we, along with our colleagues and employees, don’t become consumed and stressed by it. When implementing technology, we often spend the majority of our time on the technical skills around operating it. However, it’s just as important to spend an equal amount of time designing the guidelines around how we use it to communicate so that we’re not inadvertently creating additional work and stress, rather than less. The “Ultimate Gift of Technology” is to allow it to do the heavy lifting so you can dedicate more time developing collaborative and lasting relationships with your employees and customers. By doing so, you can become a more empathetic leader, incorporating technology practices in a mindful way and cultivate an engaged company culture that improves each person’s ability to communicate, innovate, and create.

Technology Mindfulness Audience Activity Educational / Informative Technical / Specific Inspirational / Life-changing


Format: 60 Minute


This program is perfect for:

  • Leaders and managers in tech-driven environments who want to balance compliance requirements with team development.
  • Executives looking to improve communication skills to become more strategic and highly valued within their organizations.


The audience will leave with:

  • Skills in active listening and executive presence to build a more effective leadership style.
  • A comprehensive understanding of the six key areas of communication necessary for team success.


In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s easy for leaders to get bogged down in the day-to-day requirements of regulation and compliance. While these elements are crucial, they often eat into the time that could be spent on guiding teams and improving business results holistically. This 60-minute workshop aims to turn that tide.

The session will delve into the concept of the Connected Leader, a role that goes beyond mere managerial duties to become a strategic and highly valued partner in the organization. We’ll explore active listening techniques, executive presence, and the six pivotal areas of communication. By harnessing these skills, you’ll be better equipped to unlock the full potential of your team and deliver the kind of value that makes you indispensable to your organization. If you’re looking to make better use of technology’s gift of time, improve your communication skills, and become a Leader who is not just heard but listened to, this workshop is a must-attend.



Format: Based on your organization’s goals, Amy can present a 45-60 minute keynote, moderate a panel discussion, lead a webinar or conduct a half to full-day workshop on this program.

This program is perfect for:

  • ​Senior and junior women business leaders 
  • Women’s groups within Finance or Financial Services including Wealth Advisors, CFOs, CPAs, Accountants, Bookkeepers, etc.
  • Women entrepreneurs
  • Any organization looking to support women in the workplace

The audience will leave with:

  • ​An understanding of why it’s important for women to bring each other along on their professional journeys, and how to be more mindful in supporting and aligning with women who inspire you.
  • Actionable insights on how to create and nurture a supportive women’s network, the importance of managing up and down, and the power of finding or being a sponsor, not just a mentor.

Description: Having a supportive network of women in your career can be one of the most important ingredients to your success. Like many young women, Amy believed that she would have the same opportunities as men in the workplace, but as she moved up the corporate ladder, she noticed more and more women were not there beside her. Over time, Amy started noticing trends in how men succeed that are very different from how women are in the workplace. During this session, Amy will share research and lessons learned from her own experience, and that of women she admires, on how to grow and learn at any stage of your career to achieve your goals.

Companion Book: As a take-away for attendees to implement what they’ve learned after your event, you can complement this talk with Amy’s companion book: Business, Balance & Bliss: How the B3 Method Can Transform Your Career and Life.

Women in Business Educational / Informative Technical / Specific Inspirational / Life-changing


Becoming a Cherished Advisor®: The Leadership Skills Needed to Help Your Organization Succeed and Thrive

Companion Book Authored by Amy: Integrative Advisory Services: Expanding Your Accounting Services Beyond the Cloud

Format: ​Based on your organization’s goals, Amy can present a 45-60 minute keynote, moderate a panel discussion, lead a webinar or conduct a half to full-day workshop on one or all of the programs above.

This program is perfect for:

  • Business leaders and team members in a variety of industries including financial services such as Wealth Advisors, CPAs, Accountants, and Bookkeepers
  • Anyone looking to grow their firm or company

Your audience will leave with:

  • Explore how to re-tool to create a differentiated experience with other departments and develop the soft skills needed to build collaborative, relationships;

  • Learn how to create value by going beyond the numbers by telling the story behind them to help department leaders make informed business decisions;

  • Become an integral part of a department’s real-time decision-making processes, in a proactive, rather than reactive way; and,

  • Gain an understanding of the mindset shift and skills needed to become better connected to your internal team, and be considered a “Cherished Advisor” by the departments and people you work with at your company.


Becoming a Cherished Advisor®: The Skills Needed to Create Create Greater Human Connection

As professionals, we strive to improve our company’s business with the information we provide. Yet many of us still spend the majority of our time doing back-office tasks and meeting deadlines, which doesn’t leave enough time in our day to advise departments within our organizations on how to improve their business results at a holistic level. With technology’s gift of more time, we can learn to create the value our companies want from us by clearly communicating the meaning of business data in a way that helps each department succeed and thrive so we can earn a seat at the table when decisions are being made. As a Cherished Advisor, you become a strategic partner that the business appreciates, highly values and can’t imagine living without.





Educational / Informative Inspirational / Life-changing


Becoming a Cherished Advisor: Utilizing AI and Machine Learning to Revolutionize Your Business

Companion Book Authored by Amy: Integrative Advisory Services: Expanding Your Accounting Services Beyond the Cloud

Format: ​Based on your organization’s goals, Amy can present a 45-60 minute keynote, moderate a panel discussion, lead a webinar or conduct a half to full-day workshop on one or all of the programs above.

This program is perfect for:

  • Business leaders and team members in a variety of industries including financial services such as Wealth Advisors, CPAs, Accountants, and Bookkeepers
  • Anyone looking to understand how to leverage the latest technology trends to grow their firm or company

Your audience will leave with:

  • Discover the latest trends for using AI, machine learning and cloud computing in life and work.
  • Understand how automation is transforming a variety of industries, including financial services.
  • Learn how to see AI and machine learning as an opportunity to build long-lasting client relationships and grow your firm or company.
  • Learn new strategy and process considerations for your firm due to increased automation.
  • Gain an understanding of the mindset shift and skills needed to become better connected to your internal team, and be considered a “Cherished Advisor” by the departments and people you work with at your company.


Becoming a Cherished Advisor: Utilizing AI and Machine Learning to Revolutionize Your Business

Artificial intelligence, cloud technology and machine learning have changed the way our clients manage their businesses and personal lives. In the financial industry, we strive to improve our clients’ lives with the numbers we provide them. Yet, many of us still spend the majority of our time processing data in the traditional sense, rather than helping our clients understand how the numbers impact their business or life at a holistic level. With artificial intelligence, cloud technology and machine learning, much of the tasks of the past that we are used to doing will be reduced. However, the human side of the experience can never be replaced by technology, only enhanced.  In this session, you will gain an understanding of the latest technology trends and how they will change the way you work with your clients, staff, and yourself. You will learn how to leverage technology’s gift of more time to become a “Cherished Advisor” — a highly-valued, strategic partner whom your clients can’t imagine living without to meet their financial goals in business and life.


Educational / Informative


Based on your organization’s goals, Amy can present her 30-45 minute deep-dive Mindfulness Series once or twice a month so that your employees or customers can continue to learn and practice mental wellness techniques in their careers and lives.

Companion Book authored by Amy: Business, Balance & Bliss: How the B3 Method Can Transform Your Career and Life

This program is perfect for: Leaders, employees, teams, members, and customers in every industry.

Any organization that wants to create a mental wellness platform to help their employees, members or customers cultivate greater mental wellbeing, learn how to reduce their stress levels, and practice greater self care.  

The Mindfulness Series consists of the eight topics below:

The Benefit of Being Fully Present – Incorporating Mindfulness Into Your Day

Many of us can feel we have an imbalance either because we are overworked, or find our energy is directed outward to work and family more than to our own needs. As a result, we may feel it is difficult or even selfish to slow down and take time out of our day to be still and quiet our mind. However, when we take this time, we often find that it’s easier for us to focus and to shift how we feel internally so that we show up better for the people around us.

By learning how to practice mindfulness, the act of being fully present in the current moment without judgment, you will learn how to be more focused and productive as well as create greater harmony in your work and personal relationships. In this deep dive session, you will experience and learn how to apply easy and simple mindfulness techniques into your daily life. 

 Learn How to Meditate: How to Use Your Natural Abilities to Alleviate Stress

Too much to do at work and at home? Learn how to take a quick break and refuel yourself throughout the day to be better for yourself and the people around you.

 Have you ever wanted to learn more about meditation or just want to set time aside to do it during your workday? Join us for a Meditation, led by Amy Vetter, from The B³ Method Institute to help you get started.

In this session, Amy will dispel the myths around meditation, teach you how to begin and how to incorporate meditation into your day, as well as, lead a brief virtual meditation. You will find that once you make this small change in your life, it will help you reset and be more present for the people you work with and those you care about.

Be More Present to be Productive: Intentional Time Management

Many of us lack focus on taking care of our well-being and overwork ourselves each day which often causes us to feel depleted. When all of our energy is directed outward to work and family, we can create a drastic imbalance in our lives.

Over time, Amy came to her own realization that without balance in her life and finding time for herself to re-energize and focus, she couldn’t reach her potential in her career or what she desired in her personal life. That meant taking an honest look at all aspects of her life, the good and the bad, and intentionally making time to do the self exploration she needed so she could be better for those around her.

In this session, you’ll learn how to Mono-task vs. Multi-task, discover ways to regain your energy and improve your focus during the day, and learn how to eliminate distractions caused by technology. Ultimately, you’ll learn how to stop over-working and instead learn to work smart instead.

Mindfulness Audience Activity Educational / Informative Inspirational / Life-changing