Alan Mallory

Everest mountaineer, electric violinist and adventurer Alan Mallory helps inspire and empower audiences to reach new heights in work and life through his engaging keynotes and workshops

Expert on

  • Project Management
  • Success
  • Teamwork / Teambuilding
  • Adventurers
  • Leadership
  • Resilience

Fee Range


Travels from


Alan is an international speaker, author and performance coach who is passionate about reaching new heights in all that we do. His unique philosophy of life revolves around empowering people and embracing an agile mentality focused on goals and results. By understanding what drives and motivates us, we are able to cultivate more innovative and effective ways of thinking and taking action. He has a degree in Engineering from Queen’s University and a Masters in Psychology from Adler University giving him a well-balanced approach to the inner and outer challenges we all face. Building experience through a lifestyle of adventure and challenge, Alan embarked on the journey of a lifetime and set a world record on Mount Everest along with three members of his immediate family. It was a two-month expedition through some of the most exciting yet terrifying conditions imaginable and their success demanded an unwavering perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. Alan is also an accomplished violinist and entertainer, a talent that he integrates throughout many of his programs as well.


Throughout this fast-paced and exciting session, Alan speaks about the 7 essential keys for project success. Whatever the nature of the project is, there are certain steps and key processes that should be in place in order to help ensure a successful outcome. By drawing parallels between situations encountered while mountaineering and in the real world, Alan makes it clear what these keys are and why they are so important.

Key Points and Learning Objectives:

  • Exploring how project success is measured
  • The importance of alignment of project objectives
  • The key elements of project success
  • Keeping the end goal in mind while systematically moving forward
  • Understanding the project life cycle
  • The essentials of mitigating project risk and managing change
  • Roadblocks and challenges that have to be worked through

Workshop Option
The workshop version of this session contains all of the valuable messages and material contained within the presentation but with a number of discussion questions and short interactive activities included throughout to further engage the audience and get participants involved in discussing and sharing their own thoughts and ideas. The workshop is an excellent option when a bit more audience involvement and interactive dialogue is desired.


This engaging session explores the innovation approach and methods to increase the chances of successful innovation. It is all about opening our minds to innovation and allowing ourselves to think outside the box. The simplest path is usually to follow the status quo of how things have always been done but only by taking a step back and expanding our minds to consider new thoughts and ideas, can true progress be made.

The innovative process has a lot of parallels to what Alan and his team went through on the mountain so the sequential process of planning and executing the expedition paints an excellent picture of what is involved and allows Alan to clearly illustrate the innovative process.

As a Mechanical Engineer specializing primarily in custom machine design and innovation, Alan also shares knowledge and anecdotes from his professional career to supplement and reinforce the key takeaways.

Key Points and Learning Objectives:

  • The importance of developing a clear vision
  • The elements of resilience and perseverance
  • Having a healthy, team approach to innovation
  • Developing a culture that is open to innovation
  • Gaining support and buy-in from the entire team
  • Bringing the chosen concept to life and to market

Workshop Option:

The workshop version of this session contains all of the valuable messages and material contained within the presentation but with a number of discussion questions and short interactive activities included throughout to further engage the audience and get participants involved in discussing and sharing their own thoughts and ideas. The workshop is an excellent option when a bit more audience involvement and interactive dialogue is desired.


Alan’s session on Communication Excellence for the Technical Professional is a fast-paced and engaging message specifically for engineering and technical groups. Technically minded individuals have so much great knowledge and wisdom to share but often the lack of effective communication skills makes information transfer a challenge.

University programs in engineering and other technical studies focus so much on the theoretical and specialized knowledge that soft skills such as communication are frequently overlooked. In order to succeed and reach our full potential in this day and age, effective communication skills are a must!

Communication difficulties are one of the biggest reasons teams fall apart and projects fail. In order to function well as a team and as an organization, communication is probably the most important element to maintain and improve upon on a daily basis. Recognizing communication difficulties that technical professionals are faced with and exploring how to resolve them and improve the flow of communication is what this session is all about.

Key Points and Learning Objectives:

  • Exploring communication difficulties and how they arise
  • The importance and role of active listening
  • Connecting through the use of technology
  • Rephrasing technical terms and ideas so they are better understood by non-technical team members
  • Understanding the different types of communication and the communication process
  • Sharpening communication skills for more audience impact

Workshop Option

The workshop version of this session contains all of the valuable messages and material contained within the presentation but with a number of discussion questions and short interactive activities included throughout to further engage the audience and get participants involved in discussing and sharing their own thoughts and ideas. The workshop is an excellent option when a


Alan’s session on Team Building is a fast-paced and engaging message specifically designed to enhance and encourage working effectively and efficiently as a team. In order to succeed and reach full potential in any given organization, teamwork is a must. This session explores ideas and methods of growing stronger as a team and working together to achieve common goals.

Key Points and Learning Objectives:

  • The importance of teamwork and collaboration
  • The role of trust and the importance of trust development
  • Maintaining adequate communication with team members
  • Activities and exercieses for developing positive team dynamics
  • Aligning objectives/goals to create a common focus
  • Effectively sharing responsibility
  • Functioning as a single unit

Workshop Option

The workshop version of this session contains all of the valuable messages and material contained within the presentation but with a number of discussion questions and short interactive activities included throughout to further engage the audience and get participants involved in discussing and sharing their own thoughts and ideas. The workshop is an excellent option when a bit more audience involvement and interactive dialogue is desired.