Laurie Guest
Laurie Guest, CSP is a highly sought after humorous speaker who meeting planners call upon to deliver top notch content filled programs with a good dose of motivational laughter. She is well known for her imaginative ideas and entertaining style.
Chad Pregracke
Chad Pregracke is living proof that an average person can make a big difference. He holds the title of 2013 CNN Hero of the Year. He is also the Founder & President of the internationally recognized not-for-profit organization, Living Lands & Waters. In addition, Chad is a professional public speaker, sharing his stories at many of the world's largest corporations and most prestigious universities.
Tim Cavanagh
Tim Cavanagh has been laughed at for over twenty years. They 've laughed at him at colleges, they've laughed at him at business meetings, they've laughed at him at fundraisers, association dinners, awards banquets, and they've laughed at him at some of the top comedy clubs and concert venues across the country. Why are all of these people laughing at Tim Cavanagh? It's simple. He's truly funny!
Matt Mayberry
Matt Mayberry, a former NFL linebacker for the Chicago Bears, is currently one of the most read columnists for Entrepreneur Magazine, as well as an acclaimed keynote speaker, consultant and performance expert. As the CEO of Matt Mayberry Enterprises, a training and consulting company, he specializes in maximizing the performance of individuals and organizations all over the world. His message is simple: Escape mediocrity, claim your greatness, and turn your failures into gifts.