Desi Payne, also known as The Attitude Adjuster, loves to motivate employees by helping them adjust their attitudes to create a positive work environment.   Desi has over 25 years of experience as a magician, entrepreneur, customer service and leadership trainer, and is an award-winning entertainer.   She has shared the stage with John Maxwell and Nick Vujicic.  She is also an international speaker with the John Maxwell Team.  Desi is the author of Do You Work with the Living Dead? and Give Me Some Chocolate…I’m Stressed!


Most Presented Titles: 

·         CPR for Your Attitude

·         Do You Work with the Living Dead?

·         Give Me Some Chocolate…I’m Stressed!

·         The Magic of Connecting for Leaders

·         Leading with Humor and Laughter


Topics:   Leadership, Negativity in the Workplace, Stress, Teamwork


For more information on Desi: