“Best-selling author and international expert on strategies for staying connected to what is really important.”
Mary LoVerde believes life is a balancing act and her passion is finding creative ways to help her audiences blend a successful career and a happy and healthy family life.
She has three goals for her programs. The audience:
1. Will learn a new, innovative approach to life balance. It is NOT about getting it all done. If managing, organizing, delegating and prioritizing were going to work to keep our lives in harmony they should have worked by now. It is time for a new way of thinking.
2. Will leave armed with specific, “works in real life” ideas they will want to implement immediately.
3. Will feel good and give themselves credit for all the good they do.
A study by LinkedIn and Citi showed that life balance issues are the number one concern for worker of both genders. Helping people thrive and move forward makes very good business sense according to Harvard Business Review, who devoted an entire issue to the science proving that every business metric improves when people feel they are thriving. Mary focuses on ideas that have a high return on investment for both home and work.
She has shared her innovative, step-by-step strategies for a happy life with audiences from Bangkok to Biloxi, to clients as diverse as Apple, the Mayo Clinic, Pepsico, FedEx and the American Trucking Association. She is the author of three best-selling books: I Used to Have a Handle on Life but It Broke; Stop Screaming at the Microwave; and Touching Tomorrow. The ideas in her newest book, The Invitation…When You Are Ready to Take Your Next Step have reached readers in more than 35 countries.
She has appeared on 20/20, ABC World News Tonight, and five times on the Oprah Winfrey show. She is a former faculty member of the University of Colorado School of Medicine and for 15 years served as the Director of the Hypertension Research Center. Her original work has appeared in the three “most important” journals: The New England Journal of Medicine, The Wall Street Journal and the Ladies Home Journal.
Speaker Magazine named Mary as one of the 25 Most Influential Speakers Shaping the Industry. The National Speakers Association inducted her into the Speaker’s Hall of Fame, one of only 191 speakers to ever achieve this honor.
In 2010, Mary accepted an unexpected invitation to sell her one-of-a-kind dream home, give away nearly all her belongings and embark upon a make-it-up-as-you-go global adventure. The three years living “at home wherever I am” gave her unique insights into what really creates a joyous life.