“The Entertaining Economist! – Analyst in long-term trends in economics, demographics, and technology”


Don Reynolds, is past Chairman for over $120 Billion dollars in Pension and Trust Funds. Don has a Masters, in Public Administration, is a graduate of the Securities Industry Institute of the Wharton School, and has an Honorary Degree from the University of Moscow.


Don has lived 14 years overseas and visited over 50 countries. He has spoken to over a thousand audiences, in 19 countries including the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority, the European Institutional Investor Summit, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Australian Information Technology Summit and Harvard Medical School.


Don provides a “Global Big Picture.” He believes most people are generally optimistic, but are nervous or paranoid about the future. He speaks about what audiences want to hear but also what they need to hear. Don is still active in financial markets, and writes an economic newsletter – The Paranoid Optimist.